It is downloaded from internet and mounts a virtual disc on the desktop when opened. It is capable for the compressed, encrypted data, file spanning amd some of which are password protected. It has UDIF(Universal Disc Image Format) for Mac OS X with. Whenever the file is copied, it lacks the header file but when iso file is created it covers all the things including the header file.ĭMG file is Apple disc image which is used for Mac OS. It is used to create backup of CD or DVD because it creates the exact copy carry, and converts all the data with bits from the disc.It is the program file which is neatly copied in a single file and it is used to distribute large program over the internet.iso to emulate Wii and GameCube games and Playstation 2 games respectively. Most of the operating systems like Unix, Linux and Mac OS have built in capability to mount an ISO. The ISO name is taken from ISO 9660, used with CD ROM media but it contain a UDF(ISO/IEC 13346) file system ( used for DVDs and Blu-ray Discs). The full form of ISO is International Organisation for Standardization.